Our range of services

Some questions,
some answers.

Here you will find a list of our most commonly asked questions and answers. If you have a question which isn't answered here please feel free to get in touch.
Do you offer discounts?

We currently don't offer any discounts for our services. By using our free site visit and estimation we offer you the best price possible from the get go.

What can happen if my air conditioning machine isn't well maintained or serviced?

If you air conditioning machine is poorly maintained or irregularly serviced you will most likely begin to notice some of the following issues: Leaking Water, Loss of Performance, System Freezing, Stale Odours, Increased Energy Bills and Poor Airflow.

If you are experiencing any of the above, please feel free to contact us and get us to take a look!

How long should my air conditioning machine last?

If your air conditioning machine is over 10 years old, it is quite likely that you will need a replacement very soon which would be more cost effective than fixing any possible issues.

What types of air conditioning systems do RAM Air Conditioning offer for installation?

We provide a wide range of air conditioning systems, including split systems, ducted systems, multi-split systems, and more. Our team can help you choose the system that best suits your needs, budget, and space.

Are your air conditioning installations energy-efficient and environmentally friendly?

Yes, we prioritise energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. We offer high-efficiency systems with advanced technologies that not only reduce energy consumption but also minimise the environmental impact. Our installations are compliant with industry standards and regulations.

What maintenance services do you offer for installed air conditioning systems?

We provide comprehensive maintenance services to ensure the longevity and performance of your air conditioning system. Our services include regular inspections, filter replacements, cleaning, and addressing any issues that may arise. We offer maintenance plans tailored to your specific needs to keep your system running smoothly.

Get in touch

You can call us onĀ 01908382477, or click below and fill out our contact form.